Unifying all Linux ports into one tree

I'm working towards merging all ports into one unify tree to push this to Linus. Here is a readmap.

Who is who for all Linux ports

Step 1: Get Data

Before starting anything, we have to get informed. This is why I'm planing to send an email with about this content:

Dear Port-Maintainer,

you're maintaing one or more Linux ports to different hardware. I'm currently
planing to end the life of a dozend different Linux trees, one for each
architecture. Instead of this, I'd like to have _one_ tree useable for
all supported architectures. I'm planing to merge all Linux trees, this is
why I've got some questions I'm kindly asking you to answer:

 I'm _________________ <_______@___________> and I'm maintaining Linux
port(s) to the _____________ architecture. For my architecture, I'm using
[ ] 2.4.x or [ ] 2.5.x. My trees are in this state:

                          | 2.4.x     | 2.5.x
Keeping up'to'date        | [ ]       | [ ]
with Marcelo's / Linus'   |           |
tree including at least   |           |
-preX and -rcX releases,  |           |
possibly even their BK    |           |
trees                     |           |
I'm only syncing with     | [ ]       | [ ]
full releases (no -rcX    |           |
or -preX releases)        |           |
I'm only occassionally    | [ }       | [ ]
resyncing with Marcelo/   |           |
Linus                     |           |
Ny Scource Code Management|           |
System is (CVS/BK/        |           |
ClearCase/homegrown/...)  |           |
My current tree is        |           |
available at / not        |           |
available at all          |           |
I think it would simplify | [ }       | [ ]
my work if I could do     |           |
development on a global   |           |
tree and it would be      |           |
sinpler to avoid global   |           |
breakages                 |           |
I'm willing to help       | [ ]       | [ ]
achieving the goal of a   |           |
global tree by keeping    |           |
my tree up-to-date wrt.   |           |
Linus / Marcelo           |           |

Thanks a lot!

I'll contact you soon.


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